God Is A Radio

Everything that is, vibrates on a particular frequency;  even down to the strings in particle physics, everything is vibrating.  Vibrations of course create sound that can only be detected with the proper listening apparatus.  Recently scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California were able to listen to the recorded voice of Thomas Edison.  Recording on what was to become known as the phonograph, Edison was able to speak some eighty plus years into the future, to anyone that could hear him.  Although they’d had it for some time  these scientists had to develop a 3-D optical technology that scans surfaces and then converts them into digital audio files before they were able to hear what had been recorded.

There is a sea of waves surrounding us at all times, sound waves, radio waves, microwaves and many more.  However, we can only pick up on these waves, again, with the proper device.

We come equipped with our very own receiver, amp and transmitters;  they go by, outer, middle and inner ear.  The outer ear receives vibrations, the middle ear amplifies and converts them into nerve impulses and the inner ear transmits the signal to the brain by way of electric current.  Now, we’ve all heard the saying that you are what you eat, well everything that you experience is a form of knowledge and knowledge is ‘food’ for thought.  So, what goes in is what comes out or you become what has been suggested to you.  If you’ve ever wondered why all of our music is starting to sound the same, it’s because everyone is starting to listen to the same music.

If you think about it, everything revolves around words, dialogue or Language and the Art of it.  That seems to be why (in my opinion) we have two ears and one mouth; we should do twice as much listening as we do talking.  It’s also funny that you can find the word silent in the word listen. (ha)  Listen simply means to tune into or pay attention to a particular frequency.

So, how does this make God a Radio?  Well, there is a scripture in a book I read once that says: In the beginning was the word… now I’m not sure how this relates to this place we live being called the uni(one)- verse(collection of words) but I’m guessing it’s probably relevant.  It goes on to say, “The Word was with God and the Word was God. Once you’ve put all the pieces together, you’ll see that we’re all  mobile loud speakers.  Even when you go to church, an event of you go to listen to a….’speaker’. Whatever you’re continually talking about is the station that you’re tuned into.

So, the next time someone tells you that they don’t believe in God, tell them it’s because they don’t have the proper listening device.  Instead of looking for God, you should be listening for him….

– Dehypnotize

How Suggestibility Killed Trayvon Martin ll

In the earlier post I discussed how easily one can get caught up in sudden rage and instantly become a victim of the very evil that caused that rage in the first place.  This post is to bring to light how suggestibility caused this and how its now shaping the emotional environment of argument.  As the nation rallies around the Martin family and the shouts for justice  grow ever louder, when this is all over two lives will have been ruined and millions more will have been affected by them.  Some believe Mr. Zimmerman should be locked away, others believe he was justified in the shooting and should remain free.

As a teenager I grew up in a middle class neighborhood with a pretty good mix of nationalities.  My house was in walking distance from school so most days my brother and I would walk.  Well one unsuspecting winter morning on our way to school, we notice this car following slowly behind us.  So we began to slow down to make sure this was the case and if so, confront the stalker.  As we made it obvious that we were on to the pursuit, the driver steps on the gas coming within inches of hitting us both.  A rather lager white male jumps out of the car with a badge in hand and aggressively approaches.  “What are you boys doing in this neighborhood?”  He demanded.  Ok, keep in mind that we were carrying books, we were literally a half block away from the school at 7 am on a Tuesday.  So I  responded sarcastically, “We looking for some white women.”  The fluctuation in his face color from red to purple was a slight indication of his displeasure with my remark.  “Don’t get funny with me boy!  I’ll lock your ass up for trespassing.  There was a breakin in this area and y’all fit the description (what was the description? “Uh, yeah Charlie we’re looking for two black guys walking to school carrying books and lunches…over).  Now where are you going and why are you wearing this big coat?”….(SMH) “We’re headed off to school officer ‘Friendly’, I said calmly, and I’m only wearing this big coat because it’s FOURTY- THREE DEGREES OUT HERE!”

After an impromptu pat down to make sure we weren’t carrying any weapons he returned to his car and followed us all the way into the parking lot of the school and didn’t leave until we were inside. That made for an interesting rest of the day.  Who was I going to tell of this harassment; my teacher, the principle, other cops?  Now, from that point I began to hate all cops, especially white ones.  Becoming a victim of an institution that was designed to protect you it’s akin to a child being molested by a trusted family member.

As you can see this ordeal stirred up negative feelings within me and I applied the feelings of what one police officer did to all police officers.  In the end it’s really just a primitive self-defense mechanism.  Remember, when your emotions are at their highest is when you’re at your most suggestive state.  So in both of these adventures, my mind labeled these people as threats and subconsciously prepared a defense plan if I were to ever face the same events again.  

This is how suggestibility killed Trayvon and so many other innocent profile ‘fitters’.  At the core of it all is lack of emotional control.  I guarantee you that if he could replay that day over again he would decide that his emotions were getting the best of him and he’d let the cops handle it.  It’s always ‘after’ the fact that we can see things so clearly…why is that?  It’s because the emotions are no longer present and you can now see what was there all along.  I hate emotions!  (ha) They are liars, omnipresent deceivers of men/women that we can’t live without, we can only hope to modify them in some meaningful way.

Now that I’m older, I’ve let go of most of the injustices I’ve encountered in the past, I’ve even stopped racially profiling people wearing sagging pants and started profiling everyone! lol!!….seriously.  I don’t hate the police or white people, instead I’ve learned to focus my energy on changing the way I see things by looking past how I ‘feel’ about them and helping others to  do the same.

One final note… if young ‘men’ stopped committing crimes wearing hoodies, there wouldn’t be a fear of someone wearing one and if people realized that good and bad lives in us all, there’d be less ‘racial’ profiling and more of and effort to promote the good in those same people. It was everyone that came before us that shaped the mind-set of the world today, it is now up to us to make the world what it’ll be for our children tomorrow.


How Suggestibility Killed Trayvon Martin

By now most of us have heard of the tragic story of Trayvon Martin, the young man killed in Florida by the community HOA head George Zimmerman. Only Trayvon and George really know what actually happened that day and unfortunately Trayvon is not here to tell his side of the story.  However, I believe if we look at this incident a bit more closely, we’ll clearly see that what happened that day could happen to any of one of us.

The day after Christmas five years ago, I woke and walked outside to warm the car for the trip back home.  As I approached my car I noticed my back window completely down.  As I got closer I noticed that the window wasn’t down, it was broken. My heart sank into my stomach.  Someone had broken into my car and completely cleaned it out.  I began trying to recall all that I’d packed the car with the night before. radio, the gifts, laptops, cameras, it was all gone, but more importantly they took away my sense of security.  Immediately, my mind created an image of the culprits as I tried to ‘telepathically’ track them down.  One of them had cut himself while climbing through the broken window, so blood dripped throughout the beige interior.  Once the police arrived on the scene they were of absolutely no help.  I pointed out a huge complete hand print on the driver’s side window where the perp held on for leverage to pry open the back one.  “Well we don’t fingerprint for crimes like this it costs us too much, ya know?” He says while chuckling.  He then advised that I do my own investigation and let them know if I come up with anything…………. really?

So, maybe two weeks later I get a call from a friend in the same neighborhood saying that they found the people responsible for the break-in.  I was so relieved…until I called the police department.  These clowns said to me, “Well, we did find the guys and they had a lot of merchandise when we arrested them.” Again I was relieved. “When can I come pick up my things?” I asked excitedly.  “Oh, we left everything at the house, we only had a warrant for their arrest”……………..(SMH)

“Ok, so how do I go about getting my things back?” I asked.  “Well, he says, let me see…he pauses to check his computer, yes, it looks like we’ve already released them so here’s their home number and their address.  Go there and tell them that you know that they have your stuff and if they don’t give it back that you’re going to call the police…………………………..I swear to you that’s what they said.

After doing a little research myself I did eventually find out what the perps looked like.  I immediately remembered the image that I’d created in my mind of the perpetrators and it matched.

Why?  Why did the image of what I thought the perp would look like actually match what he looked like? From that day any black man with dreads and sagging pants walking near my car was a potential criminal.  I began to racially profile and even carry my piece with me.  I was hoping to catch someone else breaking into my car so I could unload my fury on them and to make matters worse, I’m black.  If you’ve ever been robbed of anything, you know the feeling that I speak of. The feeling of being invaded or violated can never be unfelt or gotten over.  It rests dormant, patiently waiting to be vindicated by anyone who dares to pass in front of its crosshairs.

One report spoke on how there were a number breakins in the community where Trayvon was killed and Mr. Zimmerman was supposedly tired of no one being held responsible for them.  Now I’m not sure if Mr. Zimmerman was a victim in those robberies or not, but if he were,  I’m pretty sure that his emotions were at the helm during the time this occurred.

I wrote about my story to show how easy it is to allow things that have happened to us in the past to affect our present and ultimately our future.  As I said in the beginning there are always two sides to any story and this was only one side.  In part two I will discuss how it feels to be racially profiled and acted upon forcefully as a result of it.


Dream Therapy

Through the millenia dreams have played an integral part in the shaping of history as well as the present.  Because They are still largely a mystery, most people simply dismiss their dreams as unnecessary thoughts of the night.  Nightmares tend to stay with us longer because they incite more of our emotions just as with regular memories.

Have you ever dreamed that you’d hidden money in a particular place and once you were awake you went to look for it? Ha! I have…several times, of course it was never there.  What about flying or falling or the one I really hate; running or fighting in slow motion or not being able to move at all?  If you answered yes to any of these this says that certain types of dreams are very common separated only by our experiences.  Dreams can be influnced by the external environment.  For example, waking up from a dream that you were on fire only to realize that someone had turned on the heat in the middle of a Georgia summer.  They can also be influence by changes in the body.  For example,  the falling dreams are said to be a result of sugar level decreases through the night.

So what do our dreams mean?  Anyone that tells you that they can interpret your dreams is probably not being honest and/or they’re trying to make a few dollars of you.  If they tell you that they can help YOU interpret your own dreams, that is actually possible. You are the only one that knows what your dreams truly mean and an honest interpreter will only guide you back to a self assessment.

The key to understanding our dreams is first understanding that our emotions are the driving force behind everything that happens in our lives. When we experience our emotions while awake, we move on the in some way, that’s why they’re called e-‘motions’. However, our bodies are in a paralytic state while we’re asleep so we can only move within our minds once we feel them.  For example; do your dreams jump from one scene to the next and make absolutely no sense at times?  This is because as our feelings change, how and what we see changes as well.  Have you ever awakened from a nightmare sweating or screaming?  These were times when the emotions were too strong for the mind to move away from so the body had to react.

Dreams are ultimately stress release mechanisms. They’re like the garbage men of our system. The more stress that you’ve taken on throughout the day, the more active your dreams may be… a lot of garbage has to be taken out. If you find that you can’t get to sleep at times because of the stress from the day, it still comes back to those pesky emotions – it’s how you ‘feel’ about the stress of the day. The next time you can’t sleep because you’re thinking too much about a problem or an issue, try thinking about the useless emotions that you’re attaching to the situation instead of the situation itself. When you start to focus on how ridiculous it looks to exert so much energy over something you have no control over (it’s even worse if you do have control over it and you’re still stressing) your mind can relax and figure the problem out for you. Remeber…you have all of your answers, others can only show you how to identify and apply them. It doesn’t matter what anyone says to you, you still process life – the way you think.  At the end of the day our problems are not the problem…it’s our emotions.

Now I know that this doesn’t explain deja vu or prophetic dreams neither was it meant to, that’s another posting on its own.  This was meant to show that the images and symbols that we see in our dreams have only come from what we’ve experienced as individuals in our lives.

So, I’ll close by saying that the more you are able to control your feelings, reactions or responses through the day (there is a way to do this that I’ll address in an upcoming post), the more restful sleep you’ll have at night, which allows you to better handle the stress of the next day which allows for more peaceful sleep that night and so on…